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    How to Say "Dragon Boat Festival" in English?


    The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday that is celebrated on the 5th day of the 5th month of the lunar calendar. It is a significant cultural event with deep historical roots. In this article, we will explore how to say "Dragon Boat Festival" in English, providing factual information and answering related questions.

    Q: How do we say "Dragon Boat Festival" in English?

    A: The equivalent translation for "Dragon Boat Festival" in English is "Duanwu Festival." The festival's name is derived from the Chinese pinyin transcription of the Mandarin term "端午节" (Duānwǔ jié). It is important to note that "Duanwu Festival" is the most widely recognized and commonly used term in the English-speaking world.

    Q: Is there any other name for the Dragon Boat Festival in English?

    A: While "Duanwu Festival" is the preferred and internationally recognized translation, you may also come across alternative names such as "Double Fifth Festival" or "5th Day of the 5th Month Festival." These terms are less common but may be used in certain contexts or regions.

    Q: Are there any cultural or historical significance associated with the Dragon Boat Festival?

    A: Yes, the Dragon Boat Festival holds immense cultural and historical importance in Chinese traditions. It commemorates the patriotic poet Qu Yuan, who lived during the Warring States period. Qu Yuan drowned himself in the Miluo River to protest against political corruption. The festival is a way of honoring his memory and has become a symbol of bravery, loyalty, and Chinese culture.

    Q: How is the Dragon Boat Festival celebrated?

    A: The festival is marked by various customs and activities. The most iconic tradition is dragon boat racing, where teams row in long, narrow boats decorated like dragons. Another integral part is eating Zongzi, a sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves, which symbolizes Qu Yuan's sacrifice. Traditional rituals like hanging up pouches of herbs and wearing colorful silk threads are also practiced to ward off evil spirits.

    Q: Does the Dragon Boat Festival have any global recognition?

    A: Although the Dragon Boat Festival originated in China, it has gained international recognition in recent years. Today, dragon boat races are held in many countries as a competitive sport and cultural event. The festival offers a unique opportunity for people worldwide to appreciate Chinese traditions and experience the excitement and camaraderie of this ancient celebration.


    The Dragon Boat Festival, known as "Duanwu Festival" in English, is a culturally significant holiday that commemorates the poet Qu Yuan. It is celebrated through various customs, including dragon boat racing and eating Zongzi. While "Duanwu Festival" is the most commonly used translation, alternative names such as "Double Fifth Festival" might be encountered in certain contexts. The festival's global recognition has led to its celebration in numerous countries, showcasing the richness of Chinese traditions on an international stage.



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