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    How to dub the sound of a flying bird and a cicada in English?

    To dub the sound of a flying bird in English, one can use the onomatopoeic phrase "tweet tweet." This phrase is often associated with the sound made by small birds, such as sparrows or robins. It represents the high-pitched chirping noise that birds produce when they are in flight. By using "tweet tweet" as a dubbing for a flying bird, it effectively captures the essence of their melodic and rhythmic sounds.

    When it comes to dubbing the sound of a cicada in English, the commonly used onomatopoeic phrase is "cicada's buzz." This phrase accurately portrays the distinct buzzing noise made by cicadas. It is a loud and continuous sound that can be heard during hot summer days. By using "cicada's buzz" as the dubbing for a cicada, it effectively captures the unique and vibrant sound that these insects produce.

    Q: How can we imitate the sound of a flying bird in English?

    A: One can imitate the sound of a flying bird in English by using the onomatopoeic phrase "tweet tweet." This phrase represents the high-pitched chirping noise made by birds when they are in flight.

    Q: What is the commonly used phrase to dub the sound of a cicada in English?

    A: The commonly used phrase to dub the sound of a cicada in English is "cicada's buzz." It accurately portrays the distinct buzzing noise made by cicadas during hot summer days.

    Q: Why is "tweet tweet" used to dub a flying bird in English?

    A: "Tweet tweet" is used to dub a flying bird in English because it effectively captures the melodic and rhythmic sounds made by small birds, such as sparrows or robins.

    Q: Why is "cicada's buzz" used to dub a cicada in English?

    A: "Cicada's buzz" is used to dub a cicada in English because it accurately represents the loud and continuous buzzing noise made by these insects during hot summer days.

    Q: Can you provide examples of other onomatopoeic phrases in English?

    A: Certainly! Examples of other onomatopoeic phrases in English include "meow" for the sound a cat makes, "woof" for the sound a dog makes, and "boom" for a loud explosion.

    In conclusion, to dub the sound of a flying bird and a cicada in English, one can use the onomatopoeic phrases "tweet tweet" and "cicada's buzz" respectively. These phrases effectively capture the unique sounds produced by these creatures and allow for a more immersive experience when dubbing them in English.



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