首页 问答列表 日本人喜欢配音吗英文翻译


东山晴后雪. 提问者:东山晴后雪. 38 26 分享
  • 无色无味李公子 无色无味李公子

    Do Japanese people like dubbing?

    In Japan, dubbing is a common practice in the entertainment industry, especially for foreign films and TV shows. Many Japanese viewers prefer watching movies and shows with Japanese voice actors who dub the original dialogue. This allows them to understand the story better and fully immerse themselves in the viewing experience.

    Q: Why do Japanese people prefer dubbing?

    A: Japanese people prefer dubbing because it helps them to understand the content more easily. It allows them to focus on the visuals and nuances of the characters without the distraction of reading subtitles. Additionally, dubbing can make the story more relatable and culturally relevant to the local audience.

    Q: Are there any disadvantages to dubbing?

    A: While dubbing has its advantages, some argue that it can sometimes lead to the loss of the original performances and emotions conveyed by the actors. Additionally, dubbing may not always perfectly capture the nuances of the original language, which can affect the overall viewing experience.

    Q: How is dubbing perceived in Japan?

    A: Dubbing is generally well-received in Japan. It is considered a professional craft, and many talented voice actors are highly respected in the industry. Fans often develop preferences for certain dubbing actors and follow their works closely.

    Q: Do Japanese people watch foreign films and TV shows in their original language?

    A: Yes, there is also a significant audience in Japan who enjoy watching foreign films and shows in their original language with subtitles. This allows them to appreciate the original performances and hear the actors' voices as intended.

    In conclusion, while Japanese people generally enjoy dubbing for its accessibility and familiarity, there is also an appreciation for the original language presentation of foreign content. Ultimately, the preference for dubbing or original language viewing depends on personal preferences and the specific context of the media.



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