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    How to write the English for a multi-character voiceover scene

    There are several ways to write the English for a multi-character voiceover scene. Here are a few commonly used methods:

    1. Label each character's lines: In the script, assign a unique label or abbreviation for each character and use it before their lines. For example, "A: Hello, how are you?" "B: I'm good, thanks." This helps differentiate between different characters and makes it easier for the actors to understand their respective dialogues.

    2. Use character names: Instead of labels, you can use the character names before their lines. This adds clarity and makes it easier for the voice actors to identify their roles. For instance, "John: Hey, what's up?" "Lisa: Not much, just relaxing."

    3. Use formatting or indentation: Another way to indicate different characters is through formatting or indentation. You can start each character's dialogue in a separate paragraph or indent their lines. This visually separates the voices and aids in the understanding of the script.

    4. Incorporate stage directions: To provide additional context or cues, include stage directions that indicate the actions or emotions of the characters. This helps the voice actors to better understand and portray their roles.

    It is important to use a combination of these techniques to ensure clarity and ease of reading for both the voice actors and the director.



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