首页 问答列表 用英文配音做饭怎么说呢


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    Cooking while speaking in English is a useful skill to have, especially if you want to follow international recipes, communicate with English-speaking chefs, or simply want to practice your language skills while in the kitchen. In this article, we will explore some common phrases and vocabulary related to cooking in English.

    Q: How do you say "preheat the oven" in English?

    A: To preheat the oven, you can use the phrase "preheat the oven" itself. It means to heat the oven to a specific temperature before placing the food inside. For example, you can say, "Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius."

    Q: What does "sauté" mean in cooking?

    A: Sauté is a cooking technique that involves frying food quickly in a small amount of oil or fat over high heat. The word "sauté" comes from the French language and means "jump" or "leap." So, if a recipe instructs you to sauté onions, it means to cook them quickly in a hot pan with some oil until they turn golden brown.

    Q: How do you say "boil" in English?

    A: The word "boil" is used to describe the process of heating a liquid until it reaches its boiling point, where bubbles start to form and rise to the surface. For example, if a recipe says to boil water, it means to heat the water until it starts bubbling.

    Q: What does "simmer" mean in cooking?

    A: Simmering is a gentle cooking technique where food is cooked in liquid at a temperature just below boiling point. It is often used for slow cooking or to enhance the flavors of soups, stews, and sauces. To simmer, you need to maintain a temperature where small bubbles occasionally break the surface but the liquid doesn't boil vigorously.

    Q: How do you say "stir-fry" in English?

    A: Stir-frying is a popular cooking technique in Chinese cuisine. It involves quickly frying small pieces of food in a hot pan or wok while constantly stirring them. To say "stir-fry" in English, you can simply use the phrase "stir-fry." For example, "Stir-fry the vegetables for 5 minutes."

    In conclusion, cooking while speaking in English can be easily accomplished by familiarizing yourself with common cooking vocabulary and phrases. By understanding the meanings behind words like "preheat," "sauté," "boil," "simmer," and "stir-fry," you can confidently follow recipes and communicate effectively in the kitchen. So, don your apron, grab your ingredients, and start exploring the world of English culinary delights!



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