首页 问答列表 琴的英文配音怎么说


军中健将 提问者:军中健将 82 56 分享
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    琴的英文配音可以说是“qín”,它是指一种弹弦乐器,是中国古代的代表性乐器之一。在英文中,琴可以翻译为"stringed instrument",但这个翻译比较笼统,不够具体。更准确的翻译是"zither",它源自德语字词,用于描述有弦乐器。在中文里,“琴”是一个广义词汇,包括了古筝、古琴、阮咸、扬琴等不同类型的乐器。而在英文里,这些具体的乐器类型有着各自的名称,如“guzheng”(古筝)、“guqin”(古琴)、“ruanxian”(阮咸)、“yangqin”(扬琴)等。

    What is the English translation for "琴"

    The English translation for "琴" can be "zither" or "stringed instrument".

    What are some specific types of "琴"

    Some specific types of "琴" include "guzheng" (古筝), "guqin" (古琴), "ruanxian" (阮咸), "yangqin" (扬琴), etc.

    What is the difference between "zither" and "stringed instrument"

    "Zither" is a more specific translation for "琴" as it refers to a type of stringed instrument. On the other hand, "stringed instrument" is a more general term that can encompass various types of instruments.

    Is there a single English word that can represent all types of "琴"

    No, there is no single English word that can represent all types of "琴". Each specific type of instrument has its own name in English.

    How can I refer to a specific type of "琴" in English

    To refer to a specific type of "琴" in English, you can use its corresponding English name, such as "guzheng" for 古筝, "guqin" for 古琴, "ruanxian" for 阮咸, "yangqin" for 扬琴, and so on.



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