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春天里 提问者:春天里 130 89 分享
  • 小墨 小墨


    Answer: How do I say "you abandoned me" in English?

    In English, the phrase "you abandoned me" can be expressed as "you left me" or "you deserted me". It conveys the feeling of being forsaken or left behind by someone, indicating a sense of betrayal or abandonment. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as describing the end of a relationship, a friend who has drifted apart, or someone who has neglected their responsibilities.

    Q: How can I express my feelings of betrayal in English?

    A: To express feelings of betrayal in English, you can use phrases like "you broke my trust" or "you let me down". These convey a sense of disappointment and hurt caused by someone's actions or behavior. Additionally, you can say "you stabbed me in the back" or "you betrayed my trust", indicating a deep sense of betrayal and a breach of trust.

    Q: What are some other ways to say "abandoned" in English?

    A: Apart from "abandoned", you can use synonyms such as "forsaken", "deserted", or "discarded". These words convey a sense of being left behind or neglected, emphasizing the feeling of being alone and forgotten.

    Q: How can I express my sadness in English when someone abandons me?

    A: To express sadness when someone abandons you, you can say "I feel heartbroken" or "I'm devastated". These phrases convey a deep level of sadness and emotional pain. Additionally, you can express your feelings by saying "I'm crushed" or "I'm inconsolable", highlighting the profound impact of the abandonment on your emotions.

    Q: Is there a way to confront someone who has abandoned you in English?

    A: Yes, you can confront someone who has abandoned you by saying "Why did you leave me?" or "How could you abandon me like this?". These sentences convey emotions of hurt and confusion, expressing your need for an explanation or closure.



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