首页 问答列表 英文配音高铁司机怎么说


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    How do English voice-over high-speed train drivers introduce themselves

    English voice-over high-speed train drivers introduce themselves by stating their name, position, and welcoming passengers on board the train.

    What information do they provide about the train's destination and stations

    They provide information about the train's destination, the stations it will pass through, and the expected arrival time at each station.

    What kind of safety reminders do they give to passengers

    They remind passengers to pay attention to safety, including keeping aisles clear, holding onto handrails, and following any emergency procedures if necessary.

    What kind of announcements do they make regarding the train's departure and arrival

    They make announcements to inform passengers about the train's departure and arrival times, as well as any delays or changes in schedule.

    What kind of services and facilities do they announce on the train

    They announce the location and availability of onboard services and facilities, such as the dining car and restrooms.

    How do they communicate with passengers in case of emergency situations

    In case of emergencies, they provide passengers with instructions, guidance, and directions on how to ensure their safety.




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