首页 问答列表 西游记的英文版配音是谁


shadow2477 提问者:shadow2477 182 126 分享
  • 马小跳吃胡萝卜 马小跳吃胡萝卜

    The English voice actors for the TV series "Journey to the West" are as follows:

    1. Who voiced Sun Wukong?

    Answer: The role of Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, was voiced by Tom Kenny. Tom Kenny is a renowned American voice actor known for his iconic role as SpongeBob SquarePants.

    2. Who voiced Zhu Bajie?

    Answer: The character Zhu Bajie, or Pigsy, was voiced by Maurice LaMarche. Maurice LaMarche is an accomplished voice actor who has lent his voice to numerous animated characters.

    3. Who voiced Tang Sanzang?

    Answer: Tang Sanzang, the monk and main protagonist, was voiced by Jeff Bennett. Jeff Bennett is a versatile voice actor who has worked on various animated shows and movies.

    4. Who voiced Sha Wujing?

    Answer: Sha Wujing, also known as Sandy, was voiced by Rob Paulsen. Rob Paulsen is a prolific voice actor who has portrayed numerous beloved cartoon characters.

    5. Who voiced the villainous characters in the show?

    Answer: The voice of the villainous characters, including demons and monsters, was primarily provided by Jim Cummings. Jim Cummings is a highly acclaimed voice actor known for his ability to create unique and memorable voices.

    In conclusion, the English voice cast for the TV series "Journey to the West" includes Tom Kenny as Sun Wukong, Maurice LaMarche as Zhu Bajie, Jeff Bennett as Tang Sanzang, Rob Paulsen as Sha Wujing, and Jim Cummings as the villains. These talented voice actors have brought the beloved characters from "Journey to the West" to life in the English version of the show.



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