首页 问答列表 用英文配音的英文歌曲有哪些


睡毕涝谁仕虐犊 提问者:睡毕涝谁仕虐犊 65 43 分享
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    There are numerous English songs that have been dubbed in English. Some of these include popular hits from various genres and artists. Let's explore some examples below:

    1. "Despacito" by Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee

    "Despacito" is a global hit by Puerto Rican artists Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee. Originally recorded in Spanish, an English remix was later released featuring Justin Bieber, which made the song even more popular worldwide.

    2. "Gangnam Style" by PSY

    This catchy Korean song took the world by storm, and an English version was created to cater to a broader audience. While the majority of the song is still in Korean, the English parts enable non-Korean speakers to enjoy and understand the overall message.

    3. "99 Red Balloons" by Nena

    Originally sung in German, this iconic 80s hit was translated into English as "99 Luftballons." The English version gained significant popularity, allowing listeners who didn't understand German to appreciate the song's catchy melody and powerful lyrics.

    4. "La Bamba" by Ritchie Valens

    Although "La Bamba" is a traditional Mexican folk song, singer Ritchie Valens popularized it with his rock and roll version in 1958. The song is primarily in Spanish but still gained immense popularity among English-speaking audiences.

    5. "Numb" by Linkin Park

    "Numb" is a widely recognized song by American rock band Linkin Park. The band later released a live version of the song with Chester Bennington singing some parts in Japanese, showcasing their international appeal.

    These are just a few examples of English songs that have been dubbed or translated from other languages. In today's globalized music industry, it is common to see songs adapted to reach broader audiences, allowing people from different cultures to connect through the universal language of music.



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